

Making your own captcha is very easy. To do so you'll have to :

  • find a name for your captcha, for exemple mycapthca
  • Make a new package mycaptcha under captcha.image or captcha.sound (depending of the type of challenge)
  • Define two new classes in this package :
    • MyCaptcha extending com.octo.captcha.image.ImageCaptcha or com.octo.captcha.sound.SoundCaptcha
      • provide a friendly constructor (for your factory)
      • implements the validateResponse method
      • implements the writeObject and readObject methods in order to make your captcha serializable
    • MyCapthcaFactory extending com.octo.captcha.image.ImageCaptchaFactory or com.octo.captcha.sound.SoundCaptchaFactory
      • provide a public constructor that takes components to build captchas.
      • implement the getImageCaptcha or getSoundCaptcha method that use your contructor initialized components to construct a new captcha.