
JCaptcha try to strictly respect Inversion of Control pattern, in order to easier creation of components for concrete applications. On the other side the Spring Framework allows to use the power of IOC combined with XML declarations.
So that, every single component of jCaptcha can be declared in XML, and instanced through Spring. The application using jCaptcha should only manipulate a CaptchaService instance.

5 secondes configuration

The most simple configuration possible is to declare the following in your Spring context

<bean class="com.octo.captcha.service.image.DefaultManageableImageCaptchaService" id="imageCaptchaService"/>

Now if you want to customize your engine configuration, you'll need to define your own implementation

Setting a captcha engine image configuration in Spring

In this section we will describe how to set components to create a full CaptchaEngine.

We will start with what we want, the CaptchaEngine, for each component we provide a working and common example, but every component has several implementations, see the Java doc for more details. The construction of each component in XML must respect a constructor of this component.

There are several Engines pre configured, but as we want to control configuration, we have to use the GenericCaptchaEngine, which is build with a list of captcha factories (factories are the ?real? producer of captchas)

<bean class="com.octo.captcha.engine.GenericCaptchaEngine" id="imageEngine">
		<constructor-arg index="0">
				<ref bean="imageCaptchaFactory"/>

Then, a CaptchaFactory needs:

	<bean id="CaptchaFactory" class="com.octo.captcha.image.gimpy.GimpyFactory" >
		<constructor-arg><ref bean="wordgen"/></constructor-arg>
		<constructor-arg><ref bean="wordtoimage"/></constructor-arg>

A WordGenerator create a text to be read, it can be random, be a common implementation take words from a list, and can make composition to create a text easier to read for human being. In the example the WordGenerator need a Dictionnary to get real words from.

<bean id="wordgen" class= "com.octo.captcha.component.wordgenerator.ComposeDictionaryWordGenerator" >
		<constructor-arg><ref bean="filedict"/></constructor-arg>

A Dictionary provides words, this one read words from disk.

<bean id="filedict" class="com.octo.captcha.component.wordgenerator.FileDictionnary" >
		<constructor-arg index="0"><value>toddlist</value></constructor-arg>

After to other important part to creat a factory, is the WordToImage component, which is mainly created with three others components:

This example is a bit more complex one; it takes the usual main three components, but also three deformations, to increase the power of captchas. All three are set to none, a component which create no deformation, see below, and Examples to have more examples of deformations.

<bean id="wordtoimage" class="com.octo.captcha.component.image.wordtoimage.DeformedComposedWordToImage" >
		<constructor-arg index="0"><ref bean="fontGenRandom"/></constructor-arg>
		<constructor-arg index="1"><ref bean="backGenUni"/></constructor-arg>
		<constructor-arg index="2"><ref bean="simpleWhitePaster"/></constructor-arg>
		<constructor-arg index="3"><ref bean="none"/></constructor-arg>
		<constructor-arg index="4"><ref bean="none"/></constructor-arg>
		<constructor-arg index="5"><ref bean="none"/></constructor-arg>