
In a load balanced environment the default singleton implementation doesnt work out of the box.

There is two solution in order to achieve captcha validation throught load-balancing

The JBossCacheStore allows JCaptcha to be used in a clustered environment, generated captchas are stored in a distributed Cache. A user can now retrieve a captcha from a node and validate it on another node.

This tutorial shows how to set up the JCaptcha extension and configure JBossCache 2

Add project dependencies

Maven2 users

Add the following dependency to your project POM


Without Maven2

Add the following libraries to your project classpath.

Configure your CaptchaService with the JBossCacheCaptchaStore

Use for example the GenericManageableCaptchaService and provide a JBossCacheCaptchaStore for the first argument of the constructor.

CaptchaService service = new GenericManageableCaptchaService(
		new JBossCacheCaptchaStore(),
		new GenericCaptchaEngine( /* engine configuration */ ),
		180, // minGuarantedStorageDelayInSeconds
		180000, // maxCaptchaStoreSize
		180000 // captchaStoreLoadBeforeGarbageCollection

The three last arguments are related to the JCaptcha garbage collector. They must be set carefully in order to avoid overhead with JBossCache eviction policy. See the last section for more explanations.

Configure the JBoss Cache

Set the configuration filename

You must provide the JBossCache configuration filename to the JBossCacheCaptchaStore in order to initialize the Cache.

This can be done by adding the jcaptcha.jbosscache.config system property to the JVM.

Add the following argument to the JVM command line or in the JAVA_OPTS environment variable.


Modify the XML configuration file

This configuration is a proposal and has to be adapted to your project requirements. Please refers to the JBossCache reference documentation for further details.

You could find a sample in the extention test resources

The configurations attributes are divided in two main parts, the first one define the cache behavior (transaction, synchronisation, eviction policy) and the second one defines the deployment scheme.

Cache general behavior

The main attributes have to be set with the following values:

<attribute name="NodeLockingScheme">PESSIMISTIC</attribute>
<attribute name="IsolationLevel">REPEATABLE_READ</attribute>
<attribute name="LockParentForChildInsertRemove">false</attribute>
<attribute name="CacheMode">REPL_SYNC</attribute>

In the EvictionPolicyConfig XML node :

<attribute name="policyClass">org.jboss.cache.eviction.LRUPolicy</attribute>

Add the captcharegion configuration in the EvictionPolicyConfig XML node

<region name="/captcha">
         <attribute name="maxNodes">5000</attribute>
         <attribute name="timeToLiveSeconds">0</attribute>
         <attribute name="maxAgeSeconds">120</attribute>

Parameter coherency guidelines

Follow these rules in order to let JBossCache manage the size of the cache (instead of JCaptcha garbage collector) and use efficiently JBossCache for managing captchas.

Deployment scheme

Please refers to the JGroups reference documentation for detailed explanations.