JMX allow remote controle on components, in Spring it is easy to declare which component have to be exposed in JMX, for our buffering system, we want to control the ContainerManager so we had this to XML:

<bean id="imageExporter" class="org.springframework.jmx.export.MBeanExporter">
	<property name="beans">
			<entry key="bean:name=imageCaptchaService">
				<ref local="imageCaptchaService"/>
			<entry key="bean:name=imageContainerManager">
				<ref local="imageContainerManager"/>

At this point you are done configuring your captcha system and you can try your application.

If you have a JMX interface, like the one provide in JBoss or MC4J, you can manage the captcha buffering system and your Captcha Service very easily. Every operation available is define in ContainerManager and Captcha Service interfaces. See the java doc for BufferedEngineContainerManager and AbstractManageableCaptchaService.