
This integration module provides the shortest way to integrate JCaptcha to your web application.
This module is available since jcaptcha 2.0

This integration module provides the new default captcha configuration :

All you need to do is add the jcaptcha jar to your project, make a reference to the SimpleImageCaptchaServlet in your web.xml and then use the servlet session id to validate what the user submits on your form against the captcha service.

Set up

<form action="submit.action">
    <img src="jcaptcha.jpg" /> <input type="text" name="jcaptcha" value="" />
String userCaptchaResponse = request.getParameter("jcaptcha");
boolean captchaPassed = SimpleImageCaptchaServlet.validateResponse(request, userCaptchaResponse);
// proceed to submit action
// return error to user

And that's it!

Sample Web App

Jcaptcha 2.0 jars