- 1 : logic puzzles
We completly agree with Matt May on this point. We also consider that designing logic puzzle that are not cultural or language
dependant is only possible throught mathematical puzzles. But on this particular field, calculation, robots have already proved their superiority...
This is why we classified this solution here.
- 1 : logic puzzles
- 5: Limited-use accounts
This is the manual version of the heuristic checks.
- 5: Limited-use accounts
- 4 : live operator, by phone or chat
This is the best option : Turing test. The only limiting factor is economic : providing operator for all requests without delay is surely a very expensive solution.
- 4 : live operator, by phone or chat
So what ?
- About security
- a system security level is less or equal the lower security level of its sub components, so implementing a solution system (visual and sound captcha) would be as vulnarable as the worse solution.
- Being able to easily change the tests is crucial